We’re more than men’s mental health experts.

We teach men to belong.

To purpose, people, body and earth — for a more beautiful world.

em-bod'-ied (adj):

  1. Possessing or existing in bodily form.

  2. A method of inquiry deeper than language or thoughts.

  3. A direct route to revelation.

menz' work (noun):

  1. A journey for men towards personal discovery, healing and transformation.

  2. A path to transcend the illusion of our separateness.

  3. A global revolution that is changing everything.

Upcoming Trainings

Our offerings ▶

  • Men's Advanced Trainings

    Life-changing, body-based programs for men of all ages. Online and in-person.

  • Organizational Solutions

    Online and in-person options for groups of 2-20 men from C-suites, sales teams and non-profits.

  • Private Mentoring

    Find the right facilitator to support your personal journey of embodied transformation.

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